
Friday, 11 May 2012

My latest rant....

Ok first of all I know I have been AWFUL at updating this blog, but I do hope to improve!! I had to come back as I feel the need to have a little rant/vent and where better to do it??

So here it goes......Why on earth do people feel its ok to go out in pajamas? In the past week I have had to deal with at least 4 people, in the middle of the day, stood before me wearing their pjs, dressing gowns and slippers. And act like its normal. Why? How hard is it throw on a pair of trousers and jumper? If you can't be bothered with putting socks on then feel free to throw on a pair of flip flops or ballet pumps! I have read forum posts about this before where anyone that dares say they think its wrong to do this is usually branded a snob and informed that people have the right to wear what they like, which of course they do. But when exactly did it become considered normal to walk into your local shop, docotor's surgery* or do the school run in the same clothes you wear to bed? People complain that this country is going 'to the dog's' and maybe this is a contributing factor - people just have no self respect anymore. And anyone that does is accused of being a judgmental snob. Well maybe I am a judgmental snob, but if that means I have the dignity and self respect to always be fully dressed when I leave the house then so be it! So the moral behind todays post is "GET DRESSED PEOPLE!!"

*Please note, I am kind enough to exclude small ill children from this, they can wear whatever they wish!

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